The Vision of Trinity is to
Love the Lord, Know One Another and Serve Others that we may grow as Children of God.

As we walk through Lent, we are preparing for Holy Week and the Easter Celebration:
Spring Parish Work Day - April 12th from 9:00am - 12:00noon. We clean the campus
and buildings for Holy Week and Easter. Lunch is served at 12:00noon.
Palm Sunday - April 13th at 8:00am and 10:00am. Our special service commemorating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His Cross. A Fellowship Breakfast is served from 9:00am - 9:30am.
Maundy Thursday - April 17th at 7:00pm. This service, with the Adult Choir, includes the Foot Washing, Lord’s Supper and Stripping of the Altar.
Good Friday - April 18th at 12:00noon. This is a quiet service remembering how our Savior carried His Cross up the Via Dolorosa to Calvary.
Holy Saturday - April 19th at 9:00am we will offer First Communion Instruction for Kindergarten/First Grade and above. The Flower Guild and Altar Guild will prepare for the Easter Celebration.
Easter Day -
6:30am Sunrise Service on Edisto Beach (beside Coot’s)
8:00am Traditional Service in the Historic Sanctuary
10:00am Outdoor Service with the Adult Choir from the back porch of Miss Janes Building.
BYOBC - Bring Your Own Beach Chair
The Resurrection Easter Egg Hunt in the Graveyard will follow the 10:00am Service.
You are invited to join in any of our Activities and Services!
We pray you have a Holy Lent and a Happy Easter!
The Rev. Wey Camp
Children’s Christmas Pageant - 2024
History Presentation at the 250th Celebration
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:00 AM.….…………………………………….…Holy Communion - Historic Sanctuary
9:00AM………………………..Fellowship Breakfast - Meech Room of Temple Hall
10:00 AM…..………………………………………Holy Communion - Historic Sanctuary
ANYTIME…………………….Prerecorded Internet Sermon Sandwich (See Below)
Free Access to +25,000 Bible Study Videos
Every person in our church has free access to biblical video series for adults, youth, and kids—now streaming on your favorite device.
Click here or text the code TRNTY to 49775 to register for access.