Know One Another
The next part of our mission at Trinity Episcopal Church is to know one another. We have a very active community, and lots of opportunities to interact with each other. You don't have to be a member of the church to attend our Sunday School Classes. Our Bible Studies attract folks from many other churches on the island. We welcome you to share this time of prayer and study with us.
Once the COVID season is passed we will resume the groups listed below.
Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School: Seeking wisdom? Then, have we got the class for you! Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Library eight different leaders will each take a Sunday to present a different topic. With two scriptures to jump start discussion, class input will determine the direction we go in. The parameters of discussion will be how comments square with scripture. Why this caveat? It's because "a fool takes no pleasure in understanding but only in expressing his opinions." Prov. 18:2 So when we walk out, it will be not be as fools, but as wise believers.
"No Homework Bible Study"
Calling all island residents and visitors to join us in the Parish Library at Trinity on Mondays from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. for the “No Homework Bible Study”. Men and women are invited! We are studying God's Word and it is led by the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is a treasure to be searched and revealed. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to do this together. Each week stands on its own, so come as you are able. Remember, we meet EVERY MONDAY throughout the ENTIRE YEAR!
Daughters of the King
Do you have a passion for prayer? Love the Lord? This intercessory prayer order, The Maria Temple Chapter of the Daughters of the King, may be just for you! Our meetings are open to you. Please come see what we are all about and ask lots of questions. We are excited to announce a new schedule for The Daughters of the King. The first WEDNESDAY of the month we celebrate Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. Each Wednesday of the week we will meet in the sanctuary for intercessory prayer at 9:30 a.m. There will also be an opportunity for those unable to come Wednesday mornings. We will pray and study together on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
Men's Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 8:00 am in the Parish Library. It is a joy to gather with men who are willing to study and discuss the Truth of the Gospel and how it changes our lives! Grace and Truth are revealed every Thursday! We gather for coffee at 7:45 a.m. and finish promptly by 9:00am. Please note we have switched to Thursday mornings. You are invited!
Soaking Prayer
Trinity offers Soaking Prayer for the entire community each Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. We welcome everyone who is interested in understanding God's will for healing in our lives. It matters not what church you attend, only that you come with an open mind for the healing that awaits. The purpose of Soaking Prayer is to give God an opportunity to minister to you directly in mind, body, soul and spirit. It lasts about an hour. This is a time set apart for you to simply rest in His presence. Questions? Cindy Kapp, 869-3500 or Sallie Currin, 960-0330.
Fellowship Breakfast
The Sunday Morning Fellowship Breakfast is a hallmark of Trinity Episcopal Church. Originally begun by Dr. Ritchie Belser and then carried on by Demi Howard and his son, John, it is now made up of five separate Sunday teams who provide a wonderful, gourmet breakfast for 50 to 100 people each Sunday morning. Breakfast is available from 9:00 to 9:30 on Sunday mornings in the parish hall.
Green Thumbs
The Green Thumbs support the Grounds Beautification Committee maintaining the St. Francis Garden, the Meditation Garden and the Memorial Garden.
The Birdie Group
The Birdie Group maintains and fills the bird feeders in our gardens and occasionally has a fun lunch together!
Your Small Group Here!
Contact the Rector!
(843) 869-3568