Love the Lord
Opportunities for individuals to assist with the coordination and celebration of the worship services abound. People can serve as Chalice Bearers, Ushers, Lay Readers, and Acolytes. They can work with the Altar Guild and the Flower Guild. They can take part in the Adult Choir, Beach Band or Hand-bell Choir.
Trinity Altar Guild (2016)
Trinity Flower Guild (2016)
Trinity Adult Choir in (2016)
Chalice Bearers assist the priest by leading the congregation in the responsive parts of the service, and by distributing communion.
Ushers greet members and guests and take up the collection.
Lay Readers read aloud the scripture lessons of the day.
Acolytes are young individuals who lead the procession into and out of the sanctuary.
The Altar Guild is responsible for setting up the sanctuary for service, including the communion items, linens, candles, and other items. They meet regularly to polish brass and silver.
The members of the Flower Guild design beautiful arrangements for the altar. Grounds Beautification Committee maintains the Outdoor Sanctuary (gardens).
Beach Band at the Beach Service!